How do you see Christ’s light reflected in our CCS community?
How can we, as a school, continue to share this light with our families and community?

Christ’s light shines through our students’ growth, their willingness to serve one another, and the care shown by our teachers and families. Our community lives out the fruits of the Spirit: kindness, gentleness, and patience, and that light is felt every day at CCS. We can continue to share this light by focusing on the love of Christ in all our actions.

Reflection: How can we reflect Christ’s light more clearly in our community?
Verse: “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.” – Matthew 5:14
Challenge: Be a source of light today by showing love and kindness to someone in our community.

Cornerstone Strong: Through an anonymous giver we have the opportunity to match an additional $10,000 through the end of the year! CLICK HERE to join us!