How do you see Christ’s light reflected in our CCS community?
The way people at CCS genuinely care for each other is where I see Christ the most. Whether it’s a teacher praying with a student or families stepping in to help during a hard time, it’s clear that God’s love is at work here. We can keep sharing that light by staying focused on serving others and remembering why we do what we do.
Reflection: How can we continue to reflect Christ’s light in our actions as a community?
Verse: “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” – Matthew 5:168
Challenge: Reflect Christ’s light by encouraging someone at school or in your community today.
Cornerstone Strong: Through an anonymous giver we have the opportunity to match an additional $10,000 through the end of the year! CLICK HERE to join us!