What is one prayer or hope you hold for our CCS community?
How can we come together to support one another in this season of faith?

Father, may we see one another as YOU see each one of us. May we love and accept one another as YOU love and accept each one of us….unconditionally. Help us to look for those who are in need, pray for those who need physical healing and the lonely. Help us to look for the miracles of Christmas!

Reflection: How can you show love and acceptance to others today, just as Christ does for us?
Verse: “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.” – Isaiah 9:2
Challenge: Reach out to someone who may be feeling lonely or in need today. You can also support CCS in its mission to foster community and hope by giving here:
Cornerstone Strong: Through an anonymous giver we have the opportunity to match an additional $10,000 through the end of the year! CLICK HERE to join us!