Is there someone who has been a source of encouragement or faith to you?
How has their influence shaped your understanding of community and unity in Christ?

A long-time friend has been a real source of encouragement to me. She speaks truth even when it’s hard truth. She has such a godly way of processing through the frustrations and discouragements of life. The way she relates to other people and ministers to them challenges me to do the same. I have begun to ask questions like “What kind of trials is this person enduring that makes them act the way they do?” This helps me to have more grace and patience at times when I might become impatient.

Reflection: How can you be a source of encouragement to others in your community?
Verse: “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Challenge: Encourage someone today with a kind word or a prayer.

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