CCS has been a significant part of Jeremy’s life, as a former student, former teacher, and current parent and head of school. He strongly believes that the focus on character, discipleship, and transforming oneself to be more like Christ is a needed focus in today’s culture.
“Where the Lord leads, I walk with Him.” Exodus 33:15 – “Then Moses said to Him, ‘If Your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.’”
When not working, Jeremy enjoys spending time with his family, reading, gaming, hunting, and carving.
As of 2022, I’ve been teaching for eight years in private Christian schools, including one year teaching English at a JROTC all-boys’ military school.
I enjoy spending time with my family, reading, writing, hiking, fishing, boating, drinking coffee, and talking about deep theological subjects related to the Kingdom of God. I love to delve into God’s word to discover rhema truth: daily bread for the journey.
CCS is a great school and I’m honored to serve among the wonderful people – families, teachers, and administrators – who labor to make this school a true community. It’s also a blessing to have my family attend CCS with me: my four children as students, and my wife, Heidi, as a Spanish teacher.
This is my prayer as I step into class each day:
“Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants” (Deuteronomy 32:2, NIV).
Mrs. Zook serves as the Librarian and 5th Grade homeroom, Bible and math along with keyboarding for 3rd-5th grades. She has over 20 years teaching experience with more than 18 of those being at CCS.
“I enjoy interacting with the staff, students and families of CCS. I like the emphasis of the school and home working together to shape the heart of each child. It is a pleasure working in a school where the goal is not just academics but also Godly character. I am thankful for the positive atmosphere and supportive staff that I am able to work with.”
Outside of school, she enjoys traveling and hiking with her husband and friends, along with sewing and crafting.
A verse that has always meant a lot to her is Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.”
Mrs. Nissley serves as the middle school team leader.
She has taught middle school science at CCS for 18 years. In addition to teaching middle school science she teaches 7th grade Bible, technology, speech, and elective classes – including photography. She also serves as the leader of the 7th grade girls’ cell group and is the 7th grade homeroom teacher.
Some middle school highlights are: swimming on the first day of school, MS retreat, MS musical, mission trips, dissecting frogs, building model rockets, helping students grow stronger in their relationship with God.
Mrs. Shirk has taught at CCS for 1 year but has 10+ years of teaching experience.
“CCS is different than any other school I have ever been part of. I love teaching math and seeing those “light bulb” moments when students really get it, but more than that, I love having the opportunity to see students grow in every aspect of their lives…academic, social, and spiritual. As a middle school teacher, I hope to plant seeds in my students’ lives that will eventually bear fruit for the Kingdom of God.
Mrs. Shirk enjoys doing nature photography. Her favorite book is The Hiding Place
Mrs. Cook has 36 years teaching experience and has taught at CCS for 21 years. “I like the freedom of teaching the Bible, along with the core academic subjects. I also enjoy the parents that have become dear friends over the years!
Mrs. Cook enjoys camping in her free time. Her favorite Bible verse is 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18