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August 29, 2019

The (Priceless) Benefits of a Christian Education

Many of us fall into the habit of compartmentalizing our lives: academic growth in one compartment, spiritual growth in another, and character growth in a third. 

In today’s culture, it can be difficult for those who haven’t personally had experience with
faith-based schools to understand why Christian education is important. That’s because a holistic integration of our lives has become ever more foreign. Those who achieve it, particularly from a young age, stand to become the community, family, and even world leaders the future so direly needs.  

why christian education is important


At its core, Christian education instills in children that Jesus is at the center of everything we do—whether at home, at school, or at church. It’s the foundation to moral and character development and provides the necessary foundation for intellectual advancement. It encourages independence and accountability through emphasizing relationships. 

At Cornerstone Christian School, we don’t just supplement standard math, science, English, and social studies with siloed faith-based classes. Christian values and teachings are organically ingrained into every lesson and everyday life here at our school. From character, academics and ministry to biblical integration, parent involvement, homework, lesson plans and unit studies, not to mention our numerous student activities, Christian practices are woven throughout. 

God created children knowing they would need proper instruction, mentorship, care, and education, which is why he commanded his people to faithfully invest in their future generations. We can see this through God’s commands to the Israelites concerning how they were to raise and educate their own children:

“These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.”


The direct integration of faith into academic schooling and life training is where faith-based kindergarten, elementary school, and middle school programs like those offered here at Cornerstone Christian School in Harrisonburg Virginia provide priceless value. While the practice of faith at home and in church may come naturally for many people, it is often at school that students begin to experience the compartmentalization of faith that many of today’s adults now struggle within the workplace. However through private Christian schools, young people learn first hand that faith is not just a part of life, but the foundation of life. 

It is of utmost importance that the church invests in the next generation of the body of Christ.  Through the grace and power of Jesus, we have been called to be a salt and light of goodness and love in the world, and we can’t fulfill this if we don’t train and educate our youth in the ways of Jesus.  We can’t spread God’s love and truth if the younger generation hasn’t learned how to apply their faith to the realities of life, and while Christian education might not be the only way that this is achieved, it’s definitely a priceless resource.  Many Christian schools work with and alongside churches and families for the benefit of the children of today, so that they can be the light of Christ in the world tomorrow.  



Learn about our curriculum and more about the U.S. Department of Education’s College-and Career-Ready Standards.


We welcome you to stop by for an exploratory visit to see for yourself how Cornerstone Christian School can provide a transformative environment for your child.